

  • Duration: 2 years
  • Project reference: 2014-1-ES01-KA201-004462
  • Financed by: European Commission
  • Budget: 168.168€
  • Partners: 8
  • Coordinator: University of Girona, Spain

The overarching mission of the project is to deliver knowledge and experience on practical playful coding in schools and to make the results of the project available and useful to other schools across Europe.


The aim is to introduce the young learners to a field of experimentation normally reserved for experts or technology students in higher education and allow them to feel comfortable with coding and to see coding as a way to express oneself and to master the digital world in which they live.

“Co-creation, user involvement, environmental and societal challenges increasingly drive innovation today.” OECD, New Nature of Innovation
“I see coding (computer programming) as an extension of writing. The ability to code allows you to “write” new types of things – interactive stories, games, animations, and simulations. And, as with traditional writing, there are powerful reasons for everyone to learn to code.” Mitch Resnick, MIT Media Lab

The Commission clearly states that Europe needs all its young people to position itself well in the globalized economy. Future young Europeans are expected to be creative, inventive and entrepreneurial, including mastering state of the art technologies.
One of the most powerful strategies to accomplish this is to transform youth from passive consumers and users to active creators.