3rd meeting: investigating new solutions and plans


We were very pleased to host the 3rd meeting.

Craiova is a quiet and pleasant city in the South-West of Romania. It is the capital of the Oltenia region (approx. 2.5 million people), famous for its wines and agricultural products, for its automotive industry and a Romanian major student hub. It is not so famous abroad but people visiting it eventually get to appreciate its relaxing atmosphere. We were happy to have had the opportunity to introduce the city to the colleagues in the project consortium. We really hoped we made all participants feel welcome and comfortable during their stay here.

The meeting was organized with a particular attention to the costs thanks to the use of the facilities (rooms and Internet connection, in particular) that University of Craiova made available for the project.

The meeting agenda was devised in sessions, allowing participants to discuss all the different aspects of the project. It started with a presentation of the project progress focusing on the project road map, the coding activities status, and the need for quality assurance via questionnaires, interaction and feedback from our partner schools’ teachers. The discussion of the management and economic aspects followed (with focus on next payments, next reporting deadlines, website and promotional video), and then the meeting continued with a presentation of the training activity that will take place in University of Burgundy at Le Creusot. The UB team proposed a first draft of the training activity structure. The University of Aberystwyth team has given us a hint of the next meeting location at the end of the first day.

Second day started with a brainstorm on the aspects involved in Intellectual Output 4. The consortium members were split in groups of four, and each group investigated the structure and ideas concerning the Teachers Guide and teaching approach on coding activities. At the end of this session, all groups aggregated the ideas into a draft plan for the future Teachers Guide. The meeting continued with the plan of action for the next period and with the final agreements. Finally, a visit to Constantin Ianculescu High-School was made by the project participants.


The meeting allowed participants to discuss and analyze their experiences in a very helpful and profitable way; the work made there, is helping us in a very productive way to improve the material developed during the coding experiences and to conceive the Teachers Guide structure and organization.

University of Craiova team